Cost Comparison of Normal
Blood Glucose Testing and
Continuous Glucose Monitoring
For Insulin Pumpers

Assumptions: Normal Pump Therapy requires BG testing at least 6 times/day.

  • CGM Sensor requires changing every 8 days (based on empirical data: manufacturer states 3 days).
  • Sensor costs $50.00; 1 strip costs $0.96 (One Touch - March 12, 2006 - PharmaPlus).
  • Number of strips to calibrate the sensor is 16 (1 every 12 hrs.).
  • All numbers used in this analysis are averages and may change from individual to individual.


Normal Blood Glucose Testing (8 day period) Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring
(8 day period)

8 days x 6 strips/day = 48 strips; 48 strips x $0.96/strip = $46.08

CBG Sensor = $50.00 + [20 (1 every 12 hrs. + 4 for verification) strips x $0.96] = $50.00 + $19.20 = $69.20

Therefore, given the assumptions listed above the difference in the two methods is $23.12 for an 8 day period or $86.70 per month (see * below). This is a very small price to pay for the additional information received.

Benefits: The whole objective of the treatment of diabetes is control, control, control. Insulin pump therapy combined with CCM is a tremendous leap forward over traditional pump therapy in achieving this objective.

Personal Note: Given that a battery for my previous pump (Disetronic-D-Tron) costs $24.98 and lasts less than 1 month (now limited to 2 weeks, Health Canada) compared to the battery in the Paradigm pump which cost about $1.25 and lasts about 10 days*, there is little overall cost increase but a huge data/information increase from upgrading to the Medtronic-Mini Med 722 pump with continuous glucose sensing.

Battery costs per month are $49.96 for the DTron vs. $3.75 for the Paradigm 722 real Time System – a saving of $46.21 per month. Applying this saving to the cost of the continuous glucose monitoring sensors, this leaves the overall cost in my case of $40.49 per month.

R. Douglas, Diabetes Action Network, 03/14/06, updated 08/05/06